Why this website?
April 1, 2023
We at Douglas County Rural Preservation Association (DCRPA) are endeavoring to present some little considered facts considering industrial/commercial wind & solar energy. It is our desire to equip our elected leaders with knowledge to make wise and informed decisions when considering the potential deployment of these industrial turbines & solar fields into our rural county populace. We also want to present ideas to the citizens of Douglas County so they are aware that there are many perspectives when considering something which will affect all of us for many generations.
In planning/zoning boards and county commissions across Kansas the wind/solar companies typically get the first say. These companies are frequently in the area years in advance of the general population even detecting their presence. The information they present, whether factual or not, is often the impression which lasts. One such company has already signed contracts with some Douglas County landowners for commercial or industrial wind turbine &/or solar placement on their property. However, the Company has not yet made a formal application for building industrial turbines or solar fields to our County leadership. Unfortunately, many Douglas County residents and landowners are still completely unaware of this issue.
Wind: The Douglas County Planning Commission is in the process of revising County regulations regarding any future commercial turbines. The initial draft for this was published online in December, 2022. The announced public response ended February 5, 2023. On March 20, 2023 the Planning Commission appointed a four-member sub-committee to further examine the proposed regulations. In addition, they will meet with constituents to gather additional data. This sub-committee will report back to the entire Planning Commission in May, 2023. Once the Planning Commission votes on a recommendation it will be forwarded to the Douglas County Commission. Both the existing and proposed regulations being revised can be found at: https://www.lawrenceks.org/windregs
Solar: The revised regulations for solar fields have already been approved by Douglas County. These can be found on page 121 section 22-16 at https://www.douglascountyks.org/sites/default/files/media/depts/administration/pdf/chapter-12-zoning-and-land-use-regulations.pdf

In planning/zoning boards and county commissions across Kansas the wind companies typically get the first say. These companies are frequently in the area years in advance of the general population even detecting their presence. The information they present, whether factual or not, is often the impression which lasts. One such company has already signed contracts with some Douglas County landowners for commercial or industrial wind turbine & solar placement on their property. However, the Company has not yet made a formal application for building industrial turbines or solar fields to our County leadership.
The Douglas County Planning Commission is in the process of revising County regulations regarding any future commercial turbines. The initial draft for this was published online in December, 2022 and public response ended February 5, 2023. Many Douglas County residents and landowners are still completely unaware of this issue. The revised regulations for solar fields have already been approved by the County.
We at Douglas County Rural Preservation Association are endeavoring to present some little considered facts considering wind & solar energy. It is our desire to equip our elected leaders with knowledge to make wise and informed decisions when considering the potential deployment of these industrial turbines & solar fields into our rural county populace. We also want to present ideas to the citizens of Douglas County so they are aware that there are many perspectives when considering something which will affect all of us for many generations.